FlatPad your 3D world and game builder

A playground for all kids big and small

With FlatPad you can create and build virtual visits, games and environments for the 'Flatland App'. Choose from 170 + 3D object and shapes and snap them together to build anything you can imagine from real life places to imaginary worlds and games.

Sign up, download FlatPad and start building today. We have tutorials that cover every aspect of 3dml and a friendly and active community that can help you when ever you need a little guidance or you can use to help others that may need your help.


FlatPad Interface

Build with a click

Pre-built maps with multiple levels get you up and running in no time.

Add cubes, spheres, pyramids and many other shapes and forms.

Place them side by side, pile them on top of each other or make them float in mid air.

Import your own images and place them onto any side of any object and relook them in any way you can think of.

Add pre-built scripts and actions and make your objects move, spin or even disappear


The Flatland App

Displaying and visiting your creations

To visit your FlatPad creations you will need something that can read and display the files you have created

This is where the App from Flatland comes into action.
Flatland do's not install, it works out of the box, just download and unzip to your desktop and you can display all yours and other peoples creations without any effort or complicated installation.

You will find all the links and downloads here at Box-o-Blox although a visit to the official group can only be beneficial to your understanding of 3dml


Get the gear!

Everything you need to start building and displaying your 3D worlds and games.

Download FlatPad

Get the editor and start building your 3D experiences today

Download Flatland

Get the viewer and display your creations immediately

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